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Categories & Keywords

Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Africa, African wild dog, Afrika, Afrikanischer Wildhund, Canidae, Lycaon pictus, Mfuwe, National Park, Nationalpark, Natur, Raubtier, Raubtiere, Saeugetier, Safari, Sambia, South Luangwa, Tier, Wasserloch, Wildnis, Zambia, animal, carnivora, film, footage, mammal, movie, nature, nervoes, nervous, pack, painted dog, painted wolf, predator, video, waterhole, wild, wild dog, wildernes
Photo Info

Dimensions3840 x 2160
Original file size205 MB
Image typeUnknown

pack of African wild dog or painted dog and safari car with tourists behind

pack of African wild dog (Lycaon pictus) or painted dog and safari car with tourists behind, South Luangwa National Park, Mfuwe, Zambia, Africa
Afrikanische Wildhunde (Lycaon pictus) und dahinter Safarifahrzeug mit Touristen, South Luangwa Nationalpark, Mfuwe, Sambia, Afrika