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ptolemaic Dendera Temple complex, Qena, Egypt, Africa
ptolemaeischer Tempelkomplex zu Dendera, Qina, Aegypten, Afrika
Pro-Pylon to ptolemaic Dendera Temple complexHathor temple in ptolemaic Dendera Temple complexHathor temple in ptolemaic Dendera Temple complexview from Hathor templeHathor temple in ptolemaic Dendera Temple complexHathor temple in ptolemaic Dendera Temple complexHypostyle Hall of Hathor templeHypostyle Hall of Hathor templeHypostyle Hall of Hathor templemagnificent ceiling with colored stone carving in columns hallmagnificent ceiling with colored stone carving in columns hallmagnificent ceiling with colored stone carving in columns hallHypostyle Hall of Hathor templemagnificent ceiling with colored stone carving in columns hallmagnificent ceiling with colored stone carving in columns hallmagnificent ceiling with colored stone carving in columns hallmagnificent ceiling with colored stone carving in columns hallHypostyle Hall of Hathor templemagnificent ceiling with colored stone carving in columns hallmagnificent ceiling with colored stone carving in columns hall

Categories & Keywords
Category:Travel and Places
Subcategory:Middle East
Subcategory Detail:Egypt
Keywords:Aegypten, Africa, Afrika, Antike, Arab, Arabia, Arabien, Archaeologie, Dendera, Dendera Temple complex, Egypt, Farbaufnahme, Fotografie, Geschichte, Hathor, JOURNEY, Kultur, Nil, Nile Cruise, Nilkreuzfahrt, Nordafrika, Pharao, Pharaoh, Pharaohs, Pharaonen, Ptolemaic, Ptolemaic dynasty, Ptolemäer, Qena, Qina, REISE, REISEN, SEHENSWUERDIGKEIT, SIGHT, SIGHTSEEING, Saeulen, Steinrelief, TOURISM, TRAVEL, TRIP, Tempel, Tempelkomplex, ancient times, arabisch, archaeology, column, culture, history, ptolemäisch, stone carving, temple