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19 photos

African elephants (Loxodonta africana), South Luangwa National Park, Mfuwe, Zambia, Africa
Afrikanische Elefanten (Loxodonta africana), South Luangwa Nationalpark, Mfuwe, Sambia, Afrika
tourists watching and taking photos African elephants from the swimming pooltourist watching African elephants from the swimming poolfemale tourist watching and taking photos elephants from the swimming poolAfrican elephants feed in the meadow at Nkwali Camphuge male African elephant in waterholehuge male African elephants (Loxodonta africana)visitors watching elephants from deck at Robin Pope Luangwa Safari housefemale tourist watching and taking photos elephants from the swimming pooltourist watching African elephants from the swimming pooltourists watching and taking photos African elephants from the swimming poolfemale tourist watching and taking photos elephants from the swimming poolfemale tourist watching and taking photos elephants from the swimming poolAfrican elephants feed in the meadow at Nkwali Camphuge male African elephant in waterholehuge male African elephant in waterholewomen visitors watching elephants from deck at Robin Pope Luangwa Safari househerd of African elephants passes along the banks of the South Luangwa Riverhuge male African elephant (Loxodonta africana),huge male African elephant (Loxodonta africana),

Categories & Keywords
Category:Travel and Places
Subcategory Detail:Zambia
Keywords:Africa, African bush elephant, African elephant, Afrika, Afrikanischer Elefant, Elefant, Elefanten, Elfenbein, Loxodonta, Loxodonta africana, Mfuwe, National Park, Nationalpark, Natur, Nkwali Camp, Pool, Robin Pope Safaris, Saeugetier, Safari, Sambia, South Luangwa, Stosszaehne, Tier, Tourist, Touristen, Wildnis, Zambia, animal, elephant, elephants, fauna, ivory, mammal, mobile phone, nature, photograph, photographing, swimming pool, taking photos, tourists, tusks, wild, wildernes, wilderness