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61 photos, 15 videos

colorful illuminated ensemble of Mir-i Arab-Madressa Kalyan-Mosque and minaret, Bukhara, Uzbekistan, Central Asia
bunt beleuchtetes Ensemble von Mir-i Arab-Mederse Kalon-Moschee und Minarett, Buchara, Usbekistan, Zentralasien
colorful illuminated ensemble of Mir-i Arab-Madressa Kalyan-Mosque and minaretcolorful illuminated ensemble of Mir-i Arab-Madressa Kalyan-Mosque and minaretcolorful illuminated ensemble of Mir-i Arab-Madressa Kalyan-Mosque and minaretcolorful illuminated ensemble of Mir-i Arab-Madressa Kalyan-Mosque and minaretcolorful illuminated ensemble of Mir-i Arab-Madressa Kalyan-Mosque and minaretcolorful illuminated ensemble of Mir-i Arab-Madressa Kalyan-Mosque and minaretcolorful illuminated ensemble of Mir-i Arab-Madressa Kalyan-Mosque and minaretcolorful illuminated ensemble of Mir-i Arab-Madressa Kalyan-Mosque and minaretcolorful illuminated ensemble of Mir-i Arab-Madressa Kalyan-Mosque and minaretcolorful illuminated ensemble of Mir-i Arab-Madressa Kalyan-Mosque and minaretcolorful illuminated ensemble of Mir-i Arab-Madressa Kalyan-Mosque and minaretcolorful illuminated ensemble of Mir-i Arab-Madressa Kalyan-Mosque and minaretcolorful illuminated ensemble of Mir-i Arab-Madressa Kalyan-Mosque and minaretcolorful illuminated ensemble of Mir-i Arab-Madressa Kalyan-Mosque and minaretcolorful illuminated ensemble of Mir-i Arab-Madressa Kalyan-Mosque and minaretcolorful illuminated ensemble of Mir-i Arab-Madressa Kalyan-Mosque and minaretcolorful illuminated ensemble of Mir-i Arab-Madressa Kalyan-Mosque and minaretcolorful illuminated ensemble of Mir-i Arab-Madressa Kalyan-Mosque and minaretcolorful illuminated ensemble of Mir-i Arab-Madressa Kalyan-Mosque and minaretcolorful illuminated ensemble of Mir-i Arab-Madressa Kalyan-Mosque and minaret

Categories & Keywords
Category:Travel and Places
Subcategory:Middle East
Subcategory Detail:Uzbekistan
Keywords:Amir Temur, Amir Timur, Architektur, Asia, Asien, Buchara, Bukhara, Buxoro, Central Asia, Fernweh, Gebaeude, JOURNEY, Kalon-Moschee, Kalyan, Kultur, Lichtshow, Madressa, Medressah, Minarett, Mir-i Arab-Mederse, Mosque, Ozbekiston, REISE, REISEN, Sehenswürdigkeit, Seidenstrasse, Stadt, Staedtereise, TOURISM, TRAVEL, Tourismus, UNESCO, UZB, Usbekistan, Uzbekistan, Welterbe, Weltkulturerbe, Zentralasien, ancient, architecture, art, beleuchtet, building, bunt, city, cityscape, colorful, culture, decoration, ensemble, facade, footage, heritage, illuminated, illumination, international landmark, islam, islamic, lightshow, minaret, moslem, muslim, night, old, people, performance, public celebratory event, religion, sight, sightseeing, silk road, world heritage site