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Categories & Keywords

Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Abenteuer, Eintauchen in Wasser, Meer, Meeresleben, Mexiko, Natur, Pazifischer Ozean, Revillagigedo-Insel, Revillagigedos-Inseln, Roca Partida, Schwimmen, Schönheit in der Natur, Socorro Island, Sport, Tauchen, Tauchen, Tiefe, Unesco, Unterwasser, Unterwasser, Unterwassertauchen, Wasser, adventure, beauty in nature, biodiversity, danger, deep, diving, diving into water, ecosystem, mexico, nature, pacific ocean, pelagic zone, pelagische Zone, revillagigedo island, revillagigedos islands, scuba diving, sea life, socorro island, sport, swimming, undersea, underwater, underwater diving, unesco, water, Ökosystem
Photo Info

Dimensions3840 x 2160
Original file size48.6 MB
Image typeUnknown

view from 20m depth up to water surface of Roca Partida

view from 20m depth up to water surface of Roca Partida, Socorro Islands, Revillagigedos Islands, Mexico, North America